Hi Guys,

Welcome back after the half term. I hope you all enjoyed our little game. You surprised me with your killer Instincts!

Again the test we did was a valuable exercise. We are going to have to work on a more logical, systematic way of working with our templates. I will come up with some thing by next week. In the mean time it would really help if you could revise (especially if you missed any classes), the first 3 weeks presentations as they contain the basis of the information we need for the Clait.

Here is a link to the questions and resouces if you would like to try the test again. Dont forget to test each new piece of coding as you go. Good luck!

Below is the link to this week's presentation on CSS. We looked at creating a style sheet file which could control the appearance of our whole web site at a single stroke. Brilliant!

We didn't get all the way through the presentation so if you want to know more then scroll on through the pages.

Week 6 Presentation

I look forward to seeing you all next week.